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There are nine possible cataclysmic events for 2012 that would create disaster conditions of a scale that humanity has never experienced before. We’re talking millions, maybe billions of dead worldwide, and a breakdown of society that camiseta atletico madrid may take a thousand years to recover from If it ever recovers at all. But if you’re properly prepared all these scenarios are survivable. So as every good soldier knows, we need to get acquainted with the enemy, so we can figure out the best way to beat him.
Here they are in no particular order
Unrestricted Global Nuclear War There are a lot of bad guys out there these days with nuclear capability. From a survival point of view it doesn’t matter who starts it or why, because the end result is the same ? global cataclysm straight from hell. So given your family survives the initial atomic blasts and their immediate effects, there are a couple of other major things to worry about ? Radiation and the Nuclear Winter.

Atomic reactions create radio-active particles which spread out from ground zero, and when they reach high altitude are fanned out by high-level winds. The radio-active particles eventually make their way back down to earth as ‘Fall-Out’. ‘Fall-Out can cause burns and terminal radiation sickness, kill livestock and contaminate soil and the crops that are grown in it. A massive region around the Chernobyl Reactor in Russia is essentially dead ground forever, and that was just an itty-bitty reactor melt-down, not a multi-megaton airburst.

Nuclear winter.
When you’ve got a lot of massive atomic explosions at ground level, an incredible amount of dirt and debris is going to be thrown up into the atmosphere ? we’re talking millions of tons of black radio-active dust swirling around ten miles high, blocking the sun from reaching the Earth’s surface. We might not see the sun again for two or three years, camiseta barcelona fc and without it, it’s going to get real cold and nothing’s going to grow. Huge areas of the planet will turn into dust-bowls and sand storms will blast across Europe and North America.
camiseta de barcelona 2012 />However there will be places mostly in the southern Hemisphere and in the North that are far enough from blast zones to escape most of the radiation and fall-out, and are protected from most of the effects of the nuclear winter. That’s where you want to you and your family want to be to maximize your chance of staying alive in 2012.

Impact from Space This is the very worst of all worst case scenarios. Whether it’s the mystery planet Nibiru, a comet or a monster asteroid, having a massive Near Earth Object (NEO) smash into the Earth is all bad. So if you’re ready to survive this you’re ready for anything! Earth has experienced major NEO strikes many times before, and the biggest of all 65 million years ago made the dinosaurs extinct, overnight. If a NEO hits land we’ll get a situation like the nuclear winter we talked about above, plus a devastating shock-wave, molten lava showers, earthquakes, landslides and volcanic eruptions.

Not even all the atom bombs in the world going off all at once would have a millionth of the power of a NEO impacting our planet. The NEO Impact winter could last decades and plunge the Earth into a new ice-age. If a NEO lands in the ocean we’ll get multiple tsunamis many hundreds of feet high, plus giant earthquakes caused by displacement of tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s crust. Low-lying counties will be turned into fetid swamps, ravaged by disease.We’re likely to get very little warning of an asteroid strike ? maybe only hours or even minutes because they travel so fast and are almost invisible against the blackness of space.

On the other hand we may have several months to prepare for an impact by Nibiru or a comet. Unfortunately they are the least likely objects to hit us. So what will it be like in the aftermath of a NEO impact?

Arriving at the speed several thousand miles per hour a giant SEO will have enough power on impact to fracture the Earth’s crust and splash molten lava from the core high into the atmosphere. A massive thousand degree shock-wave will also radiate outwards from Ground-Zero completely levelling trees and buildings for a hundreds of miles in every direction. In an ocean impact, seawater will combine with the lava to cause a super-heated steam blast, plus acid rain. This burning rain would continue falling for years, scouring away every living plant and contaminating all water sources (other than artesian springs in the mountains). To survive a massive NEO strike you’ll need to be far underground, and far from the point of impact to stand any chance at all. However there is still a good chance that the NEO that hits Earth will not be a giant, and that increases your chances of survival massively ? as long as you’re prepared that is. Otherwise, no matter where you are, it’s time to kiss your ass goodbye.

