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The Quartet's Road Map has failed according to the ten foreign ministers of the European Union's Mediterranean States - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Italy , Malta, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia - ("the Mediterranean Ten").

In an open letter to the Quartet's new negotiating supremo Tony Blair, they state cheap ed hardy sunglasses unequivocally and without any diplomatic nuances :

"Topping this analysis - we might as well admit it straight away - is carrera sunglasses 2012 the recognition of a shared failure we can no longer ignore: the "road map" has failed. The status quo which has prevailed since 2000 is leading nowhere, as we know."
[http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/open_letter/2007/07/the_road_map_has_failed.html ]

This unusually frank admission heralds the end of the European Union's involvement with America, Russia and the United Nations in the Road Map jointly sponsored by the four of them in 2003.

Four years of intense international diplomacy in the Middle East by the world‘s most powerful negotiating team ever assembled to achieve what the Mediterranean Ten call "an idea" - the creation of a new Arab state between Israel and Jordan in 6% of historic Palestine - has finally been recognised as a total waste of time and effort.

This idea has never really progressed beyond an idea since its conception 70 years ago - due to continuing Arab intransigence at every point of time that it has been proposed.

But undaunted by this spectacular failure, the Mediterranean Ten have not yet given up on making this idea a reality.

They now hope to get there by laying down four "revised objectives" in a new European Union Road Map that are totally impossible to achieve - and which guarantee that this latest version will also be shredded into the waste paper basket like its many predecessors.

These four revised objectives include:

1.Negotiations without prerequisites on the final status, embracing such issues as refugees and borders.

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On refugees, - the Palestinian Authority will not and cannot agree to compromise its demand that millions of Arabs be allowed to go and live in Israel. It would be dead in the water if it did.

On borders - the Palestinian Authority wants every square metre of the West Bank and Gaza - having rejected an offer of 92% in 2000. Do the Mediterranean Ten really believe the Authority would be prepared to accept less than 100 % after years of international arm twisting has failed to get it to moderate its demand?

2.Consider sending in a "robust international force"

Even the Mediterranean Ten acknowledge the risks are high and that this objective is predicated on the condition that "it must operate alongside a peace plan without taking its place…"

How can a peace plan ever emerge if the first objective hits a brick wall?

3. Get Israel to help Mahmoud Abbas by releasing the thousands of prisoners without blood on their hands, and by freezing Israel's settlement policy.

