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Shaving for Women Simple Guide
Shaving the pubic hair can be a tricky business - many women would like to try but are uncertain about how to proceed. Before you decide what to do, it's useful to review the pros and cons of the question.
Shaving frees you from any inconvenience your pubic hair may have presented - that awful moment when you unsuspectingly pull down your underpants and discover that a hair or two is stuck under your pantyshield, for instance. (OW!) It presents an appearance that some people find very attractive. And it certainly eliminates the problem of little curly escapers peeping out at the world from the inner legline of your swimsuit. Shaving prevents odour caused by bacteria or just plain detritus being caught in the pubic hair, and makes cunnilingus easier (and to many people more appetising - pubic hair is not very firmly rooted and a lot can come loose into the mouth of your partner). However, there are a few inconveniences associated with shaving itself. Just as some people find a bare mons veneris very attractive, others are put off by it. (Some discussion with your partner may be necessary. You should also think about what you like in your appearance.) You'll have to either maintain your newfound bareness by shaving camisetas de futbol de españa approximately every second day, or endure the itchy, prickly feeling of hair growing back in a sensitive area, and sometimes the ache of razor burn. And it needs to be done with care to avoid injury or discomfort.
Middle ground can be found if you don't wish to go totally prepubescently bare. Some women choose to shave the area around the vulva while leaving some or all of the triangle of hair covering the front of the mons veneris (what's visible when you're standing up with your legs together). Some trim the hair short rather than shaving it right off - you can do this with a pair of small, sharp scissors or an electric beard trimmer. Others practise a form of topiary, trimming and/or shaving the hair into a pattern - a heart, a lightning bolt (for Harry Potter fans?), an arrow pointing down (for the benefit of partners with no sense of direction)... Once you've picked an approach you can have fun with it as an expression of your individuality and creative flair. And if you get a result you don't like and want to let camiseta sevilla fc it grow back, well, you'll have an itchy week or so but the hair will return to its original condition - many of us, when we want to start shaving our legs or underarms, are told that the hair will grow back thicker and darker, but this is simply not true. Any difference in appearance or texture that you camiseta málaga club de fútbol notice in the stubble is just caused by the fact that it's been cut off short with a flat end to the hair, and thus reflects light differently.
If you've decided to go ahead with it, instructions follow. These are written on the assumption that you're shaving yourself, but if your partner would like to do it for you (or if you want to do it for her), the same information will be useful.