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When you go surfing, no matter how expert you are there are fundamental things you have to think of all the time. Below are five things that you must know when you go surf wave:
Always be cordial to the local surfers- Many of us are passionate about the hobby and would like to spread this knowledge. cheapest designer sunglasses , This goes for any hobby but most especially for those with tight knit communities. Many surfers are more than willing to teach you the ins-and-outs of surfing, the tides of your local beach, how to paddle out without being pounded to a sandbar and the courtesy involved with the sport. If you are a starter, ask for help. christian dior sunglasses 2012 ,
Buy the right board for your area ? if your area has extremely small surf wave, don't buy short boards. Short boards have the tendency to plow through the water which makes it hard for you to catch small waves. dior sunglasses , Small boards often feature a stomp pad on the back which is used in extremely tight maneuvers such as cutbacks. When you are unsure about the board you must get, ask the surf-shop employees of your local shop.

